NASA's Perseverance rover is pioneering the use of artificial intelligence (AI) on Mars, utilizing AI in its PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry) for real-time, autonomous mineral analysis. This advancement holds the potential to trace past microbial life on the Red Planet. Developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and led by Abigail Allwood, this technology represents a significant leap in planetary exploration.


The Versatility of AI

AI has proven its versatility across various fields, including accelerating drug discovery, preventing financial fraud, and pioneering materials research. Now, it has extended its reach beyond Earth, marking a pivotal technological advancement with its deployment on Mars.

NASA’s Perseverance Rover and AI Integration

NASA recently announced that AI is instrumental in helping scientists identify minerals within rocks analyzed by the Perseverance rover. For nearly three years, the mission has been testing AI to identify minerals within Martian rocks on Earth. This is the first time AI is being used by the Perseverance rover on Mars to make autonomous decisions about rock composition, revolutionizing planetary exploration.


AI Software and Its Functionality

The AI software driving this exploration supports PIXL, a spectrometer developed by JPL. PIXL maps the chemical composition of minerals across a rock’s surface, helping scientists determine whether the rock formed in conditions that could have supported microbial life in Mars’ ancient past. The AI-powered “adaptive sampling” software autonomously positions the instrument close to a rock target and analyzes scans to find minerals worth deeper examination. This process is done in real-time without the need for communication with mission controllers on Earth.

“We use PIXL’s AI to home in on key science. Without it, you’d see a hint of something interesting in the data and then need to rescan the rock to study it more. This lets PIXL reach a conclusion without humans examining the data,” said Abigail Allwood, PIXL's principal investigator at JPL.

The system automatically focuses on interesting minerals and improves with machine learning. Based on the analysis conducted by Perseverance, scientists decide when to collect samples for return to Earth.


AI in Other Mars Rovers

AI is also crucial to the operations of the Curiosity rover, stationed about 3,700 kilometers from Perseverance. Curiosity uses AI to independently select and analyze rocks using a laser, determining their chemical composition by studying the vaporized material. Perseverance builds upon this technology by employing a more advanced AI system for autonomous navigation.

Enhancing Efficiency and Scientific Output

While both Perseverance and Curiosity still require human oversight, their AI capabilities significantly enhance their efficiency and scientific return. These advancements allow scientists to accomplish more tasks in a shorter time frame, maximizing the potential of Mars exploration missions.



The integration of AI in NASA's Mars rovers, particularly Perseverance, marks a revolutionary step in planetary exploration. By enabling real-time, autonomous mineral analysis and enhancing navigation, AI is helping scientists uncover the secrets of Mars more efficiently and effectively. This technological leap not only supports the search for past microbial life but also sets the stage for future explorations beyond Earth.