LinkedIn is set to globally launch its AI-powered campaign tool, Accelerate, by early autumn 2024, following a successful test phase with North American advertisers since October 2023. The tool aims to drastically reduce campaign creation time from 15 hours to just five minutes by providing tailored B2B campaign strategies. Advertisers can refine campaign elements before launch, ensuring a blend of automation and flexibility.

Tom Pepper, senior director of EMEA and LATAM at LinkedIn, emphasized Accelerate's efficiency during the Cannes Lions conference, highlighting its capabilities to streamline campaign targeting, creative optimization, and reporting. The integration with Microsoft Designer further enhances the tool’s functionality.


Initial users have reported substantial improvements in campaign efficiency and cost savings. Lindsey Edwards, VP of product management at LinkedIn, noted that Accelerate allows advertisers to create campaigns 15% more efficiently and achieve a 52% lower cost per action compared to traditional methods.

This strategic rollout underscores LinkedIn's commitment to leveraging AI to optimize marketing efforts and deliver superior results for advertisers globally.